Carrying Concealed Deadly Weapon Permit Program
With the passing of House Bill 40, qualified Kentucky residents are allowed to conceal and carry deadly weapons as of October 1, 1996
The Kentucky State Police are in charge of issuing a Concealed Carry Permit to carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon. Our job is to take applications for a permit from Trimble County residents, verify his/her required training certificate of completion from an instructor along with the payment of necessary fees, take a photograph of the applicant and forward that information to the Kentucky State Police. Then in approximately 3-5 weeks when the Kentucky State Police issue a permit they notify the applicant via mail and the applicant can pick-up his/her permit, in our office during normal business hours.
CHANGES ! Effective June 25, 2013, KSP has 60 days to approve or deny applications.
As of July 12, 2006, in accordance with House Bill 290 and the changes it made to KRS 237.110, anyone applying for a CCDW license or renewal must be a citizen of the United States. Therefore, applicants will need to fill out and sign a Citizenship Affidavit declaring citizenship to the United States, which will be attached to the application.
Another change that was made to KRS 237.110 states that of the $60 application fee, $40 must be a check or money order made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer, and any application submitted to the KSP that does not have the $40 fee with it will be returned unprocessed. The remaining $20 (of the $60 application fee), can be cash, check or money order made out to the Trimble County Sheriff’s Office. For more on House Bill 290, click the following link:
What Credentials Do You Need To Bring
- US Government issued ID
- or Social Security Card
- or Letter from SSA
- or Most Recent State Income Tax Return
- Proof of Kentucky Residency
- Most Recent County Property Tax Bill
- or County Vehicle Registration Certificate
- or Most Recent State Income Tax Return
- or Voter Registration Card
- Training Certificate Original plus copy (A copy can be made at the Sheriff’s Office)
- Separate Photo for the Application (A photo can be taken at the Sheriff’s Office)
If you decide to bring in your own photo: It must be a 4 x 3 1//2 or a 4 x 5 shoulder shot. A passport photo is acceptable. The applicant may not wear a hat or tinted eyeglasses in the photo
CCDW Application Fee
Application Fee (check or money order made payable to Kentucky State Treasurer)
Application Fee (cash, check or money order to the Sheriff’s Office)
$ 5.00
Photo (If needed)
NOTE; Applications & Affidavits will be taken on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:00 a.m. til 4:00 p.m. Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. til 12:00 noon.
For more information about CCDW training and to obtain a listing of Certified Instructors in your County, go to DOCJT’s web page or contact the DOCJT’s office at 859-622-8062.
For more information about qualifications, applications, restrictions, judicial status licenses, certified police officer CCDWs or LEOSA, please visit the Kentucky State Police web site: or contact KSP at 502-532-6363.